Monday, August 8, 2011

I don't know why you say goodbye I say Hello

Well I think we all know by now that I kind of suck at this whole blog thing.....

I've actually been extremely busy the past 6 months with emotional baggage that still isn't quite resolved. It's all postpartum madness that hit me around the 6 month mark of Lill's life. Its amazing the things that happen to our bodies when we have children, and for me it unleashed a lot of painful feelings about my own childhood that I was never really mature enough to deal with. I've been in counseling and am sorting things out, which does help. I am now able to feel like I'm able to cope and make things better for Lill than what they were for me, without being a basket case due to unneeded pressure. So there's all that. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

I also did not get my beautiful garden that I was planning. BUT I did join a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture), which is FABULOUS!!! Every week I get something different that I've never cooked with or eaten before. Its so fun to search for new recipes for Lill. I'm proud to say that I continued to pump breastmilk for her even after she stopped latching. I made it 7 months; until my milk supply was so low it was taking me 5 20 minute pump sessions just to get a lonely 4 ounce bottle. I've also made ALL her food from the beginning. Its been such an adventure cooking for her. Tonight I actually made her a Okra breadcrumb bake with cheese along with a baby version of Broccoli Cheese soup with Tubellini pasta.  As she's grown her food has become even more "adult" friendly, so I've slowly been incorporting her healthy food to our diets. I love it.

Her first birthday is coming up and I've decided that its going to be HELLO KITTY INSANITY. (see below for an example). I'm also "tricking" all of the guests into eating vegan beet chocolate cupcakes with cherry cream cheese frosting. (I know, the cream cheese cancels out the vegan cupcakes, but whateva, I do what I want.)  I will be sure to post pictures as I continue to plan and the actual party happens. 

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